Corporate Culture

The last several weeks Arizona Custom Blends has focused our energy on the "People". We have introduced you to some of our team members both new and old and celebrated their talent and showcased our gratefulness for such hard-working capable people.

Most of the "why" companies are successful is because of the people who lead the team. It is also due to the culture of a company and this culture starts from the top. So, the question remains, how do you build a strong company culture???? Arizona Custom Blends is always interested in what our fellow industry members have to share about this topic. Throw us your thoughts!!! How does your organization maintain a healthy company culture?

The next Spotlight on an employee will take place next Thursday, but for this week we want to hear from our customer, our vendors, and industry colleagues.

Take a look at this article - Here is one of the quotes we loved!
"According to a popular legend, when JFK toured NASA in the Sixties, he asked a janitor what his role at NASA was, to which the man replied, “I’m helping put a man on the moon.”


ACB Welcomes: Isabelle Teissier


Team Highlight: Milon Pitts